Annie Wasdell's work occupies a place between representation and abstraction. Drawing upon an interest in scientific investigation, her work is based on the remembered and the imagined.

Her sculptural practice explores the mind’s tendency to create meaningful connections between two seemingly unrelated things or objects, based on shape or form, rather than any conventional classification.

Often using found objects as the starting point, she creates
a series of iterations through casting. She then takes these surrogate things on a journey towards a personal elective affinity, through a material transformation (glass in the case of her latest works, due to its trans-mutational nature). The form remains the same, but slippages occur, caused by the associations one makes through the new material and colour references.

With her interest in the negative space and ‘gaps in-between’, the works on paper speak of space taken-up - the internal and the private. In the gesture of their making, likened to an x-ray or ultrasound scan, they aim to show a presence, rather than an absence.